Tesla’s success on social media

"Tesla’s Success On Social Media."

 Tesla’s success on social media is nothing short of impressive. Despite being significantly younger in the market than competitors like BMW, Audi, and Chevrolet, they rank among the top 3 most mentioned brands on Twitter:

And their twitter engagement numbers (which represent every like, retweet, impression, mention, and reply) completely crush the competition. And they do all this despite only Tweeting as little as 4 times a month. Obviously, this level of success is a holistic process, but we can identify two key elements.

The first is the popularity and activity of Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk, who is extremely active on Twitter and has over 20.7 million followers He doesn’t just reserve posts for product announcements and promotion. He has a personality and uses it as a way to become more human and transparent in the eyes of the world: